Thursday, March 4, 2010

Greenways Vote Rescheduled

Due to unforseen circumstances - namingly Greg Weitzel undergoing surgery - the Greenways vote had to be scratched from the agenda last evening.  They have pushed the vote back to the March 17th meeting - same time - 7:30pm - at City Hall.  Feel free to contact the Council members to share your thoughts on the plan.

On a separate note - Council did vote in favor of a cell phone ban last evening.  Using a cell phone while driving is now prohibited unless you are using a hands free device - this applies not only to motorists but also to cyclists, skateboarders and rollerbladers.  While I agree with this - I feel that using a cell phone is really just a microcosm of distracted driving in general.  It unfortunately does not address applying makeup, shaving, reaching for cigarettes or spilled coffee, turning around to yell at the kids, reading a book or newspaper, putting in contacts or driving with a dog on one's lap.  It might sound absurd - but I unfortunately see these things all too often in my travels.  The ordinance will actually read that even if using a hands free device - one cannot dial a phone while driving - which means one must pull over to the side of the raod - dial the phone - then pull back into traffic and proceed on your merry way.  Hazardous unto itself.  Again - I do not have a problem with this law - I just do not know how they are going to enforce it when there are so many other more egregious infractions going unpunished throughout the City.  I also have an issue with the fact that there will be no warning issued - it will be punishible by a fine on the first offense.  No offense to the Council - but not everyone will see news about this - some cannot afford or choose not to read the local paper - the same goes for television.  Unless there are going to be signs posted throughout the City - which I do not know who will pay for them as the City has no money - I do not know how they feel they can enforce this law.  Guess we shall see.

That's all for now.  Ride on.

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