Friday, September 25, 2009

No Seriously Folks

One does not always think of McDonalds and health/fitness synonymously - so going into yesterday's Tour de Fitness I really did not know what to expect.  After having participated with a number of other fellow cyclists I am not sure that there is enough room to describe all of the "feel good" moments of the day. First - Ronald really does ride a bike - and a unicycle - and juggles - and can do a handstand on three precariously stacked metal chairs. I am still laughing more than 24 hours later. It seems the current Ronald is a retired bike patrol police officer who has been to clown school and stunt school. The program that McDonalds and BikeLine have put together is both informative and entertaining. Each school was given a $1000.00 donation towards their physical education programs. We learned that McD's is the largest purchaser of apples in the U.S. - who knew? Participants in the rides between schools included Allentown Police Officers, Firemen, riders sponsored by BikeLine and of course some BikeAllentown folks. Ronald told the students the importance of exercise, nutrition and rest and then launched into some very entertaining bike tricks as well as some self abusive physical comedy. It was truly good for the soul to see the children so engaged in the presentation and being able to have some time away from their studies to not have to worry about anything else other than laughter. Props go to the Pricipals at all three schools as you can tell just by watching that they care about every student and seem to have worked very hard to have earned their respect. Great stuff. If the Tour comes back through next year I encourage anyone who has some extra time to join the ride - or at least take to the streets to watch it roll by. Ride on!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Biking Clown

Keep your eyes on the streets of Downtown Allentown tomorrow - 9/24 - as Ronald McDonald will be traveling to three schools by bike.  This is the second year for the program which proomotes cycling and physical fitness for school age children.  A few members of the Bike Allentown crew will be tagging along for the ride.  Festivities will begin at Cleveland Elementary (424 N. 9th St.) at approximately 9am - the group will then head towards McKinley Elementary (1124 Turner St.) and finish up at Central Elementary (829 Turner St.).  The ride will be supported by BikeLine Allentown.  I hear Ronald knows a few impressive bike tricks.  Honk if you see us and if you have free time in the morning feel free to join us for the ride.  Stay tuned for details on our bike light demo night and A sunday ride to the Allentown Art Museum.  Ride on!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Prime Riding Weather

As I ride my bike year round - I suppose all weather is riding weather.  That being said, I do not think much beats riding in the crisp cool air - keeping track of the leaves as they start to change colors and eventually make their way to the ground.  Bike Allentown business meeting tomorrow night at 7pm - 3rd floor City Hall - all are welcome.  We will hopefully get two rides planned for October so that we can take in the sites and smells of the season as a group.  Stay tuned.  Ride on!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Some do it for their health. Some do it out of necessity. Some do it because it is a passion from birth.  Some do it because it is cheaper than therapy.  Most do it for some combination of all those reasons.  Whatever your reason - we want to hear your voice.  Bike Allentown is a group of bicyclists that are dedicated to making bike riding more of a norm than an exception.  We feel that if you choose to go by bike not only should you not have to fear for your safety enroute to your destination, but that once you arrive you should have someplace to safely secure your steed.  Whether your motivation for cycling is recreation, transportation or necessity - we want to help you get the information you need to make it a pleasant experience.  Check our website at often.  Check our calendar for the dates of our monthly low pace scenic rides through Allentown, business meetings or if you prefer - more casual "brainstorming" sessions.  Tell all your bike riding buddies to check us out as well.  We hope to meet you soon.  Ride on.