Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lights in the Parkway Tix

The Sunday Lights in the Parkway ride is soon upon us and it just might get above freezing by then! Advance tickets are available which drops the admission price from $9.00 to $5.00. I am going to drop some at the Bike Line in Allentown and will have some at the 5pm meeting at LITP start (main Lehigh Parkway entrance off of 15th Street - hard to miss with all of the lights) - they are also available at Wegmans and City Hall should either of those locations be more convenient. Please join us as it is sure to be a good time. Ride on!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Lights in the Parkway Ride - December 19th

Greetings all. Tis the season to bundle up and go for a ride. Allentown is letting Bicycles through Lights in the Parkway (LITP) on equal terms as all other vehicles this year and Bike Allentown wants to show them we are thankful. We are planning a group ride through the display on December 19th at 5:15pm. Front and rear lights are required by law and we are going to request that everyone wear helmets for good measure. There are many options for getting to the start of LITP but I am going to keep this simple.

There are two parking lots off Fish Hatchery Road should you want to drive over there with your bike. The lot closest to 24th Street and the one I am recommending parking at is the Fly Fishing Shop - coming from 24th you will cross under 78 and you will see a small sign for that lot shortly after on the right - head down the hill and park wherever there is space. There is a bridge across the Little Lehigh right there that we can cross and head towards the 5:15pm start at the beginning of LITP. We should leave this spot no later than 4:50pm for good measure - that will leave plenty of time to get there and take pictures and things of the such and meet anyone who may have taken another path to the start. If that lot is full - there is a second lot at the Fish Hatchery which is only about a quarter mile ride from this spot. If you park there - you will come out of the lot - make a left and ride a small distance on Fish Hatchery road - you will cross a small bridge and make an immediate left onto the gravel path - that will take you to the lot at the Fly Fishing Shop. Please be there by 4:50pm so we can all head to the start as a group. Admission for LITP is $9.00 if you buy your tickets at the start - BUT - you can buy them in advance for $5.00 at either the Christmas Barn (located in the parking lot by Bogert's Bridge - this the entrance at the traffic signal at 24th Street and Fish Hatchery Road) or Allentown City Hall.

If you are going to head over by bike - the options of getting there are unlimited. The main entrance to the Lehigh Parkway and the start of LITP is off of 15th Street - you will not miss it. If you are going to meet us at the start of LITP - please try to be there no later than 5:00pm so that we can get ourselved organized, photographed, etc. We will head off as a group and proceed to ride through LITP at a very leisurely pace so that we all have time for oohs and aahs. The display concludes by the red covered bridge (Bogert's) at the traffic light on 24th at Fish Hatchery Road. There is a Christmas Barn set-up at the end with gifts, hot chocolate, et al. You can choose to hang out there for a bit, head back to your car or head back from any other direction from which you came. The lots that I recommended for parking are just a very short bike ride back from this point on a gravel path.

Please come join us and bring your family and/or friends - it is sure to be a good time and we would like a decent sized group to show our appreciation to Allentown for letting bikes through this year (even though they should be allowed through anyway - but that is a different story for a different day).

Afterwards I intend to head to Ringer's Roost on Liberty Street in Allentown to enjoy some holiday cheer and warm my arse. Feel free to join in the celebration. Ride on!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Great Ride

We had a decent turnout for the Emmaus Farmers Market ride last Sunday - we even had a Muhlenberg student join us and hopefully she will spread the word that she had fun and encourage more folks to come join us for future rides.  The weather was absolutely perfect, we had a great variety of riders and the pace was extremely casual. I will sadly admit that I have never visited this Farmers Market before - but I will most definitely be heading there as much as possible through their final weekend which comes at Thanksgiving.

We are going to lead another ride there on Sunday November 7th.  We will once again be leaving from in front of Seegers Union at Muhlenberg at 9:45am and from in front of Cedar Beach Pool at 10am.  Hopefully my knee will heal enough by then to hook up my trailer as I ran out of room in my backpack - endless amounts of yummy foods to carry back. Come join us - you will not regret it.

Ride on

Monday, October 4, 2010

Emmaus Farmers Market Ride

Greetings all.  Saturday was a great time at West End Oktoberfest.  Great food, music and art - thank you for all who stopped out to say hello.

Next up is our first group ride of the fall.  We are proposing a ride to the Emmaus Farmers Market on Sunday October 10th.  We are going to meet in front of the Cedar Beach Pool (Ott and Linden Streets) and will aim to leave 10am-ish.  We are going to head right up Ott Street and make our way towards the Lehigh Parkway - will pretty much figure out the ride as we go.  It is going to be a very casual pace and no one will be left behind.  I recommend bringing a backpack and/or hooking up your bike trailer as there are alot of delicious treats to be had there.  I will be speaking to the folks at South Mountain Cycles to arrange bike parking for us.  It should be a nice time and the weather forecast is promising at this point.  Bring your friends and family - hope to see you there.

Ride on.

Friday, September 24, 2010

October Happenings

Greetings - it has been way too long and I am not sure where the time has gone.  I will say enjoy your rides as you do not know what you have until it is gone.  I was a 5 to 7 day a week rider until I underwent knee surgery at the end of August - found more damage then anticipated when they went in to scope - ended up doing a few procedures while they were there with micro-fracture surgery being the worst and I have now been off the bike for four weeks (other than a few easy pedals in proximity to my dwelling) and am missing it terribly.  Next follow-up in a week and hopefully good news will result.  But I digress.

Two big events coming up in Allentown and we are hoping for some participation.  First on the agenda is the West End Oktoberfest on 19th Street in Allentown.  It promises to be bigger and better in its third year.  BikeAllentown is not only volunteering to help out where needed for this event - but we will have a tent set up and will be borrowing two bike racks from the city to park your faithful steeds.  Stop by - say hello - have a beverage and hang for awhile.  More info here - http://www.westendoktoberfest.com/6.html

The following week we are proposing our first Fall ride of the year on Sunday October 10th at 10am.  Aiming to do something a little different and will be meeting at Cedar Beach Pool in Allentown for a ride to the Emmaus Farmer's Market.  There are some rolling hills but we will ride at a very casual Sunday drive kinda pace - so bring a a backpack or hook-up your trailer and come join us.  I estimate this one to be about ten miles total.  You can find more info on the market here - http://www.emmausmarket.com/

Here's to hoping I get clearance for such a ride from the doctor next week.  If you need any additional info on either of these events feel free to drop me a line at saulgood@ptd.net

Ride on my friends

Monday, May 17, 2010

Volunteers Needed

There is a program run by the Eastern PA Down Syndrome Center and they need your help.  The program is called "Lose the Training Wheels" and is a bike camp that teaches children and adults with disabilities how to ride a conventional two wheeled bike.  The camp runs June 21-25 and has five 90-minute sessions per day.  If you have some extra time - please volunteer - you will be hard pressed to find a more rewarding experience - for both the new cyclists and yourself.  Get additional info here - http://epdsc.net/LOOSETHETRAININGWHEELSPROGRAM.aspx

Ride on!

Bike to Work

It is Bike to Work Week - with Friday being the official Ride to Work Day.  Mother Nature is not completely cooperating but the temps are nice enough to pack some rain gear and suck it up for the ride home.  I hooked up the trailer and gave myself a little resistance training on my 12 mile ride in today.  Definitely got alot of second looks from motorists.  Sad to report that I only saw one other cyclist this morning - but I am hoping folks were just going in a direction oppostie mine.

I saw alot of cyclists breaking laws this weekend.  Saw two folks blow through a red light out towards the Velodrome - same rules apply to cyclists - please ride respectfully - follow the rules of the road and don't give us a bad name.  Saw two more folks further up Rte 100 that were riding against traffic - again same rules apply - you should be riding with traffic not against.  It is actually less safe to ride against traffic - especially for the person that was riding towards them on the proper side - someone is going to be forced out into traffic in that situation.

Summary:  Ride to work - following the proper rules of the road - be safe.  Ride on!